How I Increased My Score By 80% Using This Studying Technique

Saptarshi Guha
Age of Awareness
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2021


Ever wondered whether there’s some powerful method of studying that’ll help you cover most of the syllabus the night before your examinations? That was me some time ago.

Exactly two nights before an examination, while trying to memorize some chemical formula, a thought suddenly came to my mind. Am I studying the right way? I memorize all of these and forget after some time… Is there a fun or better way to remember everything that I read?

And so I kept my notebooks aside for some time and searched “best studying technique” on YouTube. After watching a couple of videos, I finally found it.

I opened my notebooks again and tried this new method of studying that I just learned. And I was stunned! Everything that I studied thereafter didn’t require a whole night of revising before the exams. Yes, the technique is that good!

Two nights later, I had my examination. Only 8 hours: that’s the time I dedicated to studying (4 hours each day). The concepts were new to me. But it happened.

I wrote my exam with absolute clarity and confidence.

A week later, our results were out, and I saw a freaking 80% increase in my score! That’s insane!

I combined this technique with the 80/20 Principle, by studying only those concepts that have been asked in previous years, and it worked like Magic!

What Is This Technique?

Excited to know about this insanely powerful way of studying? A studying technique that’ll help you to remember everything that you read, for a long… long period of time.

It’s called the Feynman Technique

…The same technique that improved my scores by 80% in half the time. Because it helped me save all the extra time that I previously spent revising the same concepts over and over. I just didn’t need to revise. Everything that I learned was crystal clear in my mind.

The Process

After studying a chapter, or a difficult concept, close all your textbooks and notebooks. Open a fresh page of your exercise book and get your pen.

Imagine that you’re in a class comprising a dozen of students. Now explain the concepts you studied to them.

Explain those concepts in the exercise notebook, with your pen, just like your professor would do. Draw diagrams, mark some parts, circle a few very important concepts - do everything exactly like your professor.

Now let me tell you, you may feel overwhelmed: Studying with laser beam concentration so that you understand everything better, and explain the theory to your group of imaginary students... I get it. But you see, there’s where the growth takes place.

While overwhelming may hold a negative image in your mind, I assure you, it’s the only way to grow at something. I make sure to overwhelm myself at least once every week. When I feel so, I lay back, smile, and congratulate myself.


When you teach something, you get to learn it twice. Always pass your knowledge to someone else.

Study something with the purpose of teaching it. Your mindset changes the whole game for you and makes it a lot easier for you to focus on what you’re studying.

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

Albert Einstein

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading…

Have a great day!

